Ethical hacking is a term meant to imply a broader category than just penetration testing. Burp Suite Professional crack can help you to test for OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities – as well as the very latest hacking techniques.A white hat (or a white-hat hacker, a whitehat) is an ethical security hacker. Use it to automate repetitive testing tasks – then dig deeper with its expert-designed manual and semi-automated security testing tools.

First of all download the software from the given link.Burp supports invisible proxying for non-proxy-aware clients.Burp helps eliminate browser security warnings.Clickbait tool generates working clickjacking attacks against vulnerable application functions.

This way, if you want to perform any testing, you need to configure the browser to work with it. The main window displays all the available tools you can choose from and set each one’s settings the way you want. Burp Suite Professional is highly configurable and comes with useful features to assist experienced testers with their work.